I was scared - really scared - of getting into comics. Ever since seeing the first Iron Man film back in 2008 I started developing an interest in reading comics. Around that time I did not even know which heroes belonged to which universe (DC vs. Marvel) let alone where to begin if I should want to start reading! My housemates at that time were big fans of comics and I think living with them heightened my curiosity - they seemed to get so much enjoyment out of comics, maybe I could too?

Around a year ago, my brother started collecting The Flash, so I decided to tag along with him to the comic store to see what it was like. I must admit, the first time I ventured into one of those stores I felt quite intimidated, not at all because I am female or because anybody treated me like an outsider, but because I was so far out of my comfort zone being totally surrounded by all these stories that I knew so little about. I had previously read manga, and some of Neil Gaiman's Sandman but that was the totality of my comics experience. I think it was the Marvel films that really pushed me into wanting to know more about the universe. Although I enjoyed Batman, and other DC products they just did not intrigue me the way Iron Man, Captain America and The Avengers did. Captain America in particular is a really interesting look at human nature and alternate ideas about history - themes which are particular favorites of mine.  However, I knew comics would be an expensive hobby and did not like the idea of creating another avenue through which I could burn cash - so I turned to the Internet for help. Surely, I thought, a combination of YouTube, Wikipedia and online forums would fill in the gaps! And while there is an overwhelming amount of information on everything Marvel online I simply had no idea where to start! Even when I did browse a few articles on Thor, Loki and related topics I was not satisfied. I did not want snapshots, I wanted to know the whole story. I decided (against the advice of many comic readers) that the best thing to do would be to just jump in and start collecting. I asked my brother when would be a good time to start, and he explained to me that comics tend to move in story arcs, and if you investigate the present arcs a little you should be able to figure out where to start. I was most interested in Thor so I started there and have started reading Iron Man too since then.

At first it was difficult to follow everything, but enduring the confusion has been worth it! Google is an immense help, alongside the knowledge of friends. Additionally the staff at both the comic stores I visit have been nothing but helpful. Nonjudgmental of my obvious lack of knowledge and passionate in their desire to help me understand, I have enjoyed entering the world of Marvel. In the past I felt stupid asking questions about the universe but I have since realised that if I do not ask I will never know, and the sacrifice of feeling a little dumb for a few moments is worth it if it means I am able to enjoy the rich and beautiful medium of comics.

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