I'm getting really sick of how Americo-centric all these superhero films
are. Man of Steel was a fantastic action film. The scenes of action and
badassery left little to be desired, and the Sci-Fi Krypton backstory
was well played out. However I just did not understand how Snyder
thought he could get away with a solely American reaction to a threat on earth! Troops and advisers would be sent in from all over the
world. It simply makes no sense for there to be no international
discussion or intervention over a crisis as large as this.
Point of general annoyance about Hollywood aside, there were many elements of this film that I greatly enjoyed. The cinematography broke with superhero-film tradition to tell Clark's story in a really touching way. Clark's relationship with his family was really well developed. This was starkly contrasted by his relationship with Lois Lane. Although she is introduced as a promisingly quirky character she slides quickly into the role of damsel-come-love interest.
The religious symbolism and exploration of the theme of morality in man playing God was evidence of the great writing behind the film. However the exploration of this theme was undermined by the amount of action scenes Snyder included. I loved the design of the Krypton soldiers - very Warhammer 40k, very very cool - but I kind of got sick of the excessive blowing up of buildings, as it wasn't in line with the plot. If Clark had decided that protecting humans was his prerogative, why destroy the livelihoods (and lives!) of so many civilians during your God battles?!